Simple Truths

Pivotal Jewish Insights for Centered Living

Life is complicated and, like a ship being tossed about by a raging sea, we often struggle to stay above water amidst the chaos. We constantly wrestle with questions surrounding family, relationships, career, and identity, questions about how to be more successful and fulfilled; how to be happier; how to stay focused on what’s important; how to align ourselves with our true values. Yet, in life’s turbulent waters, it’s easy to lose our sense of direction. 

Simple Truths, a new seven-part course for women, explores twelve foundational core beliefs and perspectives of Judaism. They are insights that anchor us, empower us, and guide us in times of doubt and uncertainty; that nourish our inner oasis of calm and stability; that give us the confidence and know-how to navigate life’s most difficult challenges. 

Leonardo da Vinci once said, “Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication.” While the beauty of Judaism’s “simple truths” lies in their power to simplify our lives, they require us to think deeply about ourselves and our world, to uncover layers of sophistication and nuance, to examine and reexamine our preconceived notions. Throughout the seven lessons of this course, students will delve into these core ideas through hands-on workshops and a kaleidoscope of both ancient and contemporary Jewish texts—from the biblical to Talmudic to Kabbalistic and Chasidic—and leave with transformational, concrete tools for weathering the storms of life. 


Lesson 1
Claim Your Inheritance

In a sand-swept Sinai some three and a half millennia ago, the Jewish nation received the Torah from G-d. Ever since, Jews the world over have passionately dedicated themselves to its study. From eras ancient to modern, our people have endured tremendous sacrifices to study Torah, sometimes even surrendering their lives in this pursuit.

What is the value of Torah, and why does Judaism venerate its study above all else? This lesson explores the role of Torah study in Jewish life.


Lesson 2
Where Pleasure Meets Purpose

It is only natural to want to enjoy life’s pleasures. At the same time, all the pleasures on earth cannot satisfy our inner craving for deeper meaning and purpose.

How are we to balance our inner tug toward all things pleasurable with our human need for meaning and spirituality? Are these desires mutually exclusive? Can they ever align in pursuit of a common goal? This lesson explores the intersection of these two potent human needs, to extract secrets to wholesome living from the wellsprings of Jewish teaching.


Lesson 3
Creation Revisited

We are all creators, made in the image of G-d, the ultimate Creator. But is the difference between our ability to create and G-d’s merely a quantitative one?

This lesson unearths foundational principles of Jewish thought regarding G-d’s creation of the world, unearthing ageless wisdom for reframing our approach to life’s obstacles, dealing with anxiety and doubt, and seeing the value in every moment.


Lesson 4
The Beauty of the Struggle

Imperfection is human. Yet little makes us feel worse than our character deficiencies. Our less-than-noble thoughts and feelings lead to inner turmoil and lowered self-perception, hampering our motivation to grow and change.

How can we remain motivated toward change and uphold a positive view of ourselves while battling dejection over our constant struggles with our character flaws? This lesson explores how we can reframe our apparent deficiencies as inspiring pathways to personal growth, inner joy, and spiritual fulfillment.


Lesson 5
Overcoming Limitation

To be human is to have an innate desire for greatness—a drive to pursue our noblest dreams, to actualize our highest potential.

In this lesson we will focus on how to capitalize on our strengths. We’ll learn how to draw upon the things about us that are fundamentally good, and transcend our self-perceived limitations to take them to the level of “great”—and, considering the vast reservoir of potential within us, there is never a limit to how great we can become.


Lesson 6
To Love Another

The quality of our relationships has a direct impact on our quality of life. But in a world where digital communication and social media are increasingly replacing real-world communication, the capacity to truly connect to others seems more and more like a lost art. How do we cultivate genuine empathy, trust, acceptance, and love in our relationships?

This lesson teaches us how to peel away all of the superficialities that divide us, and we discover what ultimately unites us, allowing us to develop truly deep and fulfilling relationships with others.


Lesson 7
Joy Revealed

If you assumed that Judaism was about being somber and sullen, you have not met the real deal.

This lesson demonstrates the extraordinary emphasis that Judaism places on being joyful, explores the role of happiness for the sake of personal well-being and success, and presents a step-by-step journey to achieving happiness based on a deeper appreciation of the purpose of life.